Military Services

Supply chain, Sustainment, Obsolescence Management and Engineered Solutions for Military Platforms

Because there is a downward fiscal pressure on Defense Budgets, increased threat levels and irregular warfare, terrorism & insurgency threats, defense budgets are under pressure to best allocate their resources. As a result of stagnant budgets that are under increased pressure to meeting today’s challenges, armed forces are forced to do more with less funding in an effort to extend Life Cycles rather than replacing aging Legacy platforms. Hydra International Co. and its partners are able to offer Supply chain, Sustainment, Obsolescence Management and Engineering Solution for Land, Air, & Sea Military Platforms & Equipment.

This includes the supply and management of Spare Parts, Repairable, Hardware & Consumables, Maintenance Kits, and Tools. These can be made available through either Direct Commercial contracts or Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Cases

We offer a verity of defense solutions

  1. Cyber Security Solutions
  2. Obsolescence Management and solutions
  3. Platforms Upgrades & Modifications
  4. Radars – Land & Sea Surveillance
  5. Secured Communication Systems
  6. Simulators, Training and Simulation Technologies
  7. Supply chain and Sustainment of Military Platforms
  8. Defense Systems for (Land, Air, Navy, and National Guard)
  9. Shooting range indoor and outdoor products.
  10. Tactical range and shooting range traps system